Dr Meredith Belbin Team roles

Belbin Team Roles

Belbin Team Roles individual report is a multi rater assessment program.  It includes respondents who are your direct reports, peers, superiors and your own self rating. The report that is generated encompasses assessment of 9 Belbin Team Roles. It provides an overview of your strengths and allowable weakness. Your score tabulated against the respondents is compared to demystify instances of high self perception scores.

It allows you get feedback from up to 5 colleagues, a minimum of 4 is needed. They can be your direct reports, peers and superiors. One of the most impactful self development tool for individual and Teams. Over 3 million Belbin Reports have been generated worldwide. In Singapore we are one of the first certified companies to use Belbin Team since 2008.

  • Gain insights from the feedback of your Team
  • Identify leadership team role competencies that you need to develop
  • Results measures 9 Belbin Team Roles
  • Business centric, that measure business results and business acumen
  • Provides for developmental suggestions, building on your strengths and analyzing your allowable weaknesses
Belbin workshop Singapore

A Belbin Individual report provides personalized guidance and advice. Its been designed to help you grow;

  • You will be able to identify your strengths
  • Gain understanding of how others see you at work
  • Harness and maximize your strengths and manage your allowable weaknesses
  • Gain an astute understanding of when to delegate work and who to work with to produce positive results

How can I get a Belbin Individual report

A Belbin Individual report will identify which combination of the nine Belbin Team Roles you exhibit. The process is simple:

  • Fill in an online questionnaire called the Self-Perception Inventory. It takes around 20 minutes to complete.
  • Within minutes, you’ll receive your Belbin Individual report. This shows your combination of Team Role preferences, based on your own view, and is full of personalised guidance and advice.
  • To gain a fuller picture of how you contribute and interact with others, you can ask six other people to share their observations of you via a quick five-minute questionnaire called the observer assessment

Contact us on this e-mail, office@teamworkbound.com to purchase a report or have a program centred on using Belbin.

Double pencil approach towards facilitation

Programs designed by Expert Educators

Certified in the use of psychometric tools such as DISC, Belbin and leadership insights. You can tap on our robust experience of having worked with senior managers, and directors from MNC’s and government agencies. Send us an e-mail, here

Ebnu Etheris

Ebnu Etheris, holds a masters degree in Instructional design. Trained in adult learning, OD interventions and experiential learning. Certified coach, trained in using people assessment tools such DISC, Belbin and Big 5.

Belbin Team Roles accredited since 2008

Lead Facilitator

Institute of Organisational Development

DISC accredited since 2006

DISC certified trainer in Singapore

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