Big 5 or OCEAN model

The Big 5 personality traits is a comprehensive personality inventory based on decades of psychological research. Psychologists and academic researchers investigating the fundamental traits of personality found repeatedly that people’s personality differences naturally sort into five broad dimensions, referred to as the Big Five. Today, the consensus among the scientific community is that human personality is most accurately described in terms of these Big Five personality traits.
- The Big Five model of personality is widely considered to be the most scientifically valid way to describe personality
- Results measures 5 critical traits, Openness, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism
- Openness – How open a person is to new ideas and experiences
- Conscientiousness – How goal directed, persistent and organised a person is
- Agreeableness – How much a person puts other people’s interests ahead of his own
- Neuroticism – How sensitive a person is to stress and negative emotions

A Big 5 report provides personalized guidance and advice. Its been designed to help you grow;
- Each of the Big Five personality traits is considered to drive a significant aspect of cognition (how we think) and behavior (how we act).
- Each trait is completely distinct and independent of the other four traits; for instance, a highly Extraverted person is no more or less likely to be highly Conscientious as well.
- For an individual, each of the Big Five personality traits is measured along a spectrum, so that one can be high, medium, or low in that particular trait. This makes the Big Five model distinct from many pop psychology systems
How can I get a Big 5 Personality Traits
The process is simple, online you will need to answer 60 questions:
- Fill in an online questionnaire called the Self-Perception Inventory. It takes around 20 minutes to complete.
- Within minutes, you’ll receive your Big 5 Individual report.
- This test has been researched extensively to ensure it is valid and reliable. It is based on psychological research into the core of personality and psychometric research.
- Your scores show you how you compare to the other people in a large, international sample for each of the Big Five personality traits.
Contact us on this e-mail, to purchase a report or have a program centred on using Big 5.

Ebnu Etheris, holds a masters degree in Instructional design. Trained in adult learning, OD interventions and experiential learning. Certified coach, trained in using people assessment tools such DISC, Belbin and Big 5.
Workplace BIG 5 certified

Belbin Team Roles 2008

Institute of Organisational Development

DISC accredited since 2006