Featured OD toolkit
OD toolkit provides a series of assessment that we use for organisations that we work with. Use of the tools provides quantitative and qualitative data to drive change, organizational development and self awareness. Provides for analytic functions that will help HR and senior managers to check the pulse of their their teams. Robust, secure and data driven for HR to implement OD initiatives in the company. Each tool kits that we use is patented and licensed. Teamworkbound is certified to conduct, implement and use of this tool with your organization for your strategy planning sessions and change initiatives.

Big 5 Or OCEAN Modal
The Big Five personality test is a comprehensive personality inventory based on decades of psychological research. Psychologists and academic researchers investigating the fundamental traits of personality found repeatedly that people’s personality differences naturally sort into five broad dimensions, referred to as the Big Five.

Belbin Team Roles
Belbin Team Role individual report is a multi rater assessment tool. It includes respondents who are your direct reports, peers, superiors and your own self rating. The report that is generated encompasses assessment of 9 Belbin Team Roles. Precise, detailed and the only test instruments with a 360 overview, that is centred on work performance.

DISC Report
DISC individual report is a single rater assessment program. This assessment will help you discover your traits at work. Discover the four DISC personality types and improve, productivity, and conflict management in the workplace. Take the DISC test yourself, or use it with your team. For individuals its a discovery towards your strengths

Leadership styles
The Big Five personality test is a comprehensive personality inventory based on decades of psychological research. Psychologists and academic researchers investigating the fundamental traits of personality found repeatedly that people’s personality differences naturally sort into five broad dimensions, referred to as the Big Five.

5 dysfunctions
The Five dysfunctions test is a comprehensive easy to administer inventory of questions developed by Patrick Lencioni. The test measure 5 traits in the team and hence score these dysfunctions with an aggregate score. Easy to use as an organisational development tool to address specific team traits that requires attention.
Get started with Teamwork Bound
Want to learn what Teamwork Bound can do for you? See for yourself with a free trial, tests and short in house speaking engagements. We will assure you that our program evaluations meet 85% percentile score, failing which we will not charge for our training sessions.